•Stymied p.137: He is stymied. DEF: situation w/difficulties that causes discourage
•War is a stymied.

•Excrement p.139: Enrique smells excrement from goats & his fellow campers. DEF: feces
•This bathroom is so gross, it has excrement on the walls.

•Spigot p.140: From a spigot on the side of the building he fills the bucket. DEF: faucet controlling flow of liquid thru pipe
•Turn the spigot to the left to turn it off.
•Eked p.141 He has eked out 30 pesos. DEF: to make laboriously
•The poor kids in the border manage to eke out a bit of money for food.•Jostle p.142: They rush to the door and jostle against it. DEF: bump or push roughly
•You must be careful & not jostle because she is pregnant.
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