48.Once Enrique & his mother reunite, at first everything seems okay, but then when Lourdes tries to discipline her son, he disrespects her & tells her that she has no right. They begin to argue & Enrique doesn't listen to what she says.
49.At first Enrique calls Maria Isabel frequently, sends her money monthly & tells her that he wants to be w/her & Jasmine & that he loves them. But later as Enrique begins to drink & go out they loose connection & talk less, sending less money to them. Maria Isabel's feelings for Enrique change, she still loves him but not as much as before. She is beginning to learn how to cope with him not being around, and misses him less.
50. Enrique’s family begin to critize Maria Isabel saying that she does not take care of her daughter well, and doesn’t use the money Enrique gets well. They begin to invent things that are not true, which gets Maria Isabel fed up, and making her start to hate them.
51. The book ends as it begun, because Maria Isabel leaves her daughter in Honduras when she is really young without saying goodbye, like Enrique’s mother did to her children.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

•Resentment p.197: But w/each day, his resentment grows. DEF: feeling of displeasure towards something
•I hold resentment for the issue of war.

•Quell p.197: Or quell the loneliness he felt being moved? DEF: overcome
•I must quell the loneliness, and move on.

•Destitute p.198: if he was destitute, he had no one nearby who could help. DEF: needy, penniless
•There are many destitute kids that need family & help.

•Discotheque p.201: He frequents a discotheque w/ a $7 entry fee. DEF: nightclub
•Tonight I will go out to the discotheque in tj w. some friends.
•Fend p.200: Didn’t he fend for himself growing up? DEF: provide defense
•I am lucky to have my family who fend for me when I needed most help.

45.After all those days Enrique spent riding on top of trains, he finally reunited with his mother on May 28, 2002.
46.Enrique reunited with his mother in North Carolina.
47.On November 2, 2002 Enrique and Maria Isabel’s first daughter Jasmine is born.
46.Enrique reunited with his mother in North Carolina.
47.On November 2, 2002 Enrique and Maria Isabel’s first daughter Jasmine is born.

•Stern p.179: He is stern. DEF: unpleasant, serious
•Tom looks like a stern person.

•Cleft p.180: skinny migrant w/a cleft upper lip. DEF: split
•We must pay for surgery to fix his cleft lip.

•Effluent p.183: Effluent spills into the water from a 3ft pipe. DEF: sewage
•The bay is dirty due to the effluent deposited in the water.

•Beige p.190: One is beige. DEF: lightish brown
•The house of my house is beige.

•Bristle p.191: they think their children are ungrateful & bristle. DEF: rigid w/anger
•I became bristle for the fact that I was lied to.
42.Enrique must work and make money washing cars and guiding them to parking spaces or backing out at a parking lot by a taco shop, in order to buy a phone card to get his mothers number.
43.Since Enrique lost his mothers phone number on one of the tragedies that happened to him aboard the train, he must call Honduras first to get his mothers phone number from a family member.
44.The leader of the encampment by the river, a drug addict known as El Tirindaro, helps Enrique to cross the Rio Grande.
43.Since Enrique lost his mothers phone number on one of the tragedies that happened to him aboard the train, he must call Honduras first to get his mothers phone number from a family member.
44.The leader of the encampment by the river, a drug addict known as El Tirindaro, helps Enrique to cross the Rio Grande.
•Stymied p.137: He is stymied. DEF: situation w/difficulties that causes discourage
•War is a stymied.

•Excrement p.139: Enrique smells excrement from goats & his fellow campers. DEF: feces
•This bathroom is so gross, it has excrement on the walls.

•Spigot p.140: From a spigot on the side of the building he fills the bucket. DEF: faucet controlling flow of liquid thru pipe
•Turn the spigot to the left to turn it off.
•Eked p.141 He has eked out 30 pesos. DEF: to make laboriously
•The poor kids in the border manage to eke out a bit of money for food.•Jostle p.142: They rush to the door and jostle against it. DEF: bump or push roughly
•You must be careful & not jostle because she is pregnant.
38.Once Enrique gets to Veracruz, he sees that people are a lot more friendlier and kind towards migrants. The people in Veracruz don’t mistreat them, they care for them and warn them of migra agents. They give food, clothes and water to migrants aboard the trains. Sometimes when some are in trouble with la migra and need a place to hide, the neighbors let them hide out in their homes, or let them stay they for a bit.
39.The Veracruz people are kind to the migrants by giving them food, water, and shelter, care and look out for them.
40.Hipolito Reyes is a local bishop in Veracruz who’s believes his mission from God is to welcome and show compassion towards others.
41. Nuevo Laredo is on the banks of the famous El Rio Grande, where many migrants are drowned trying to cross the river to get to Texas.
39.The Veracruz people are kind to the migrants by giving them food, water, and shelter, care and look out for them.
40.Hipolito Reyes is a local bishop in Veracruz who’s believes his mission from God is to welcome and show compassion towards others.
41. Nuevo Laredo is on the banks of the famous El Rio Grande, where many migrants are drowned trying to cross the river to get to Texas.

•Hoard P.116: a lot of people want to hoard money. DEF: put in a hidden place
•I must hoard the money I am earning for savings.

•The place is idle to me.

Indignant p.119: People were indignant. DEF: strong displeasure for something unjust
•Try not to show your indignance towards others.
•Trudged p.119: people trudged up to

•Don’t walk trudged or you’ll get me lazy.

•Cavernous p.121: They take him & two younger boys, sitting nearby, to a cavernous railroad shed. DEF: enclose underground chamber
•We found a secret cavernous along the hike.
34. In Chiapas, immigrants get robbed by bandits or police. Street gangs sometimes even kill the poor immigrants. For migrants you cannot trust anyone in Chiapas, not even the neighbors who dislike migrants and call the authorities on them. The migrants must be aware and stay away from la migra, crocked police, street gangsters, bandits, and even the neighbors. They must be always on the look out hiding form those who dislike them, trying to stay safe and make it thru city. Many migrant people die unknowingly by crimes.
35.While on his journey heading north, Enrique faces many dangers including rape, torture, beatings, robbed, and closely to being killed.
36.Falling asleep on top of a freight train is very bad because you can easily fall off without knowing, or be unaware of checkpoints where migra agents are on the watch for immigrants, or even gangster who beat up and rob migrants on the trains. When a person fall asleep meanwhile on a train they have greater chances of dying, get hurt, or killed.
37. Olga Sanchez is a great person, with a big heart who unlike the others actually tries to do whatever she can to help migrants. She does not discold migrants, she gives them food, takes care of them, cures their injuries, and gives them a safe place to stay. She has little but she does everything in her ability to help migrants, she gives them hope to move forward and cheers them up when they are down & care for them like no other.
35.While on his journey heading north, Enrique faces many dangers including rape, torture, beatings, robbed, and closely to being killed.
36.Falling asleep on top of a freight train is very bad because you can easily fall off without knowing, or be unaware of checkpoints where migra agents are on the watch for immigrants, or even gangster who beat up and rob migrants on the trains. When a person fall asleep meanwhile on a train they have greater chances of dying, get hurt, or killed.
37. Olga Sanchez is a great person, with a big heart who unlike the others actually tries to do whatever she can to help migrants. She does not discold migrants, she gives them food, takes care of them, cures their injuries, and gives them a safe place to stay. She has little but she does everything in her ability to help migrants, she gives them hope to move forward and cheers them up when they are down & care for them like no other.

•Dilapidated p.62: Once, he rested in a clump of grass next to the dilapidated depot. DEF: ruined
•As I came back to the old depot in Mexico everything was dilapidated.
•Mausoleum p.63: The words are from a gangster sleeping next to him, on top of a mausoleum. DEF: burial place for many in small building
•My mother has set up a mausoleum for the family to be buried together.
•My mother has set up a mausoleum for the family to be buried together.
•Titter p.63: the sound builds
slowly until the wind commands the branches to dance & the leaves to titter. DEF: laugh in an affected way
•I tittered as they made that remark about missing work.

•I tittered as they made that remark about missing work.
•Peril p.63: the graveyard might be beautiful, but it is filled w/ peril. DEF: expose to danger 
•As soon as you cross the border the streets are filled w/peril.

•As soon as you cross the border the streets are filled w/peril.
•Uninhabited p.65: at sunup on any given day, it seems as uninhabited as a country graveyard. DEF: having no residence 
•As we took a hike ion the forest we found an uninhabited home.

•As we took a hike ion the forest we found an uninhabited home.
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