•PEW P.46 Carrasco drags a wooden pew out of the church.
DEF; seat
Come in I will gather a PEW so you can watch the movie w/ us

•FUTILE p.47, Giving Enrique clothing will be futile.
DEF; useless
I find this subject being very FUTILE to my future needs.

•DISMOUNTS p.46, Mayor Carrasco dismounts.
DEF; get off or down
Can you help me to DISMOUNT off the horse.

•GASHED p.45, His right shin is gashed
DEF; deeply cut
As he came from the party he has a big GASH across his face.

•HAMLET p.45, a railside hamlet of 36 families in the state of Oaxaca, Mex.
DEF; small village
Last weekend I visited my family at a small HAMLET in Mexico
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